Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blessed by His hand

With the whisk of His mighty hand all things are made a new! I have been so blessed these past couple of years and it was through much prayer and thought that I was able to not only recognize His influence but also to embrace it. In a talk by one of my favorite speakers of all time, Elder Jeffery R. Holland an Apostle of the Lord, he spoke of the Saviors call to everyone, stating, " Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" . No matter what the trial, struggle, or fear, as long as you come unto Christ, first, He will be there to lift you up and heal your broken spirit.

It has been this way for me for some time, as my life has progressed in the church so has my struggles. The ever eager advisory is always waiting in the wind to jump at any given chance. With the surety of the Saviors promise though, I have the armor of God to protect me from the fiery darts of the one that intents to beat us all.

I realized that no matter the task at hand, no matter how difficult I thought things are, through Christ all things are made possible. The conversation had raised between my Branch President and myself on our way back from a meeting at the Stake, a discussion on the importance of the "One" , a topic that I have touched on in the past, but one that is ever important. Our discussion consisted of someone that is very dear to me, a child that has faced many unfortunate times over the past year and a half, some things a child should never have to endure. A comment had been made about how it would be very beneficial to have this child in the warm embrace of those who could be nurturing as well as help increase their understanding of the gospel, thus helping to build a productive youth and grow to be a fine adult. Through many prayers and unfortunately some suffering, that child is in the environment that will fortify the spirit and build good structure for the growth process as well as the healing process.

I spoke with that same Branch President this evening , and as he smiled at me, he said I believe that a blessing has been issued. I feel from God this day, I feel as though the windows of heaven themselves has opened and the voice of the Angels themselves pierced the hearts of those that needed to feel of that love that was necessary to help this child. The soul of one is worth more than anyone can fathom, " He has en graven us upon the palms of His hands" the scriptures tell us, at a cost beyond comprehension. This day His love hath proceed to all within the sound of His voice and He has seen and felt the struggles of this Child and has taken upon Himself her cares and struggles and trials, and as we and her have knelt in mighty prayer that our Father would hear or plea's, He has indeed answered with a very loud and firm answer and for that I am eternally grateful.


Ann said...

It is amazing...I am realizing more and more that through pain and struggle, some of our greatest growth and blessings come to pass! It seems to have been the same for that sweet girl. :) We are so happy she is safe now. Love you guys so much. :)

It's me, Jenny! said...

Jason, forgive me for posting...but I stumbled upon your blog thru Ann's...You're a great writer and I appreciate your thoughts...very insightful.