Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Confusing? Are you kidding me!

Some times in life we as Christians seem to stumble a little as to where our path were on leads, over the past few weeks on more than one occasion I have heard or read that there is no need for organized religion or even a denomination, that there is no point in following anyone but merely reading the scripture alone is enough. Now I start off with this because it seems to be a stumbling block for many people of various faiths, one of which I suggest leaping over as soon as possible. The Idea of not having someone to follow, but merely living up to your expectations, doesn't really seem like a christian view, in fact it reflects closer to the one that wants us to fail by our own devices. I don't know why exactly I picked this particular topic to blog on other than the fact that the idea of a person stating there is no need for a Prophet or stating that we need to get out of the way because we are confusing the gospel is ridicules in every aspect of the word. I heard some where someone say we are only complicating the religious scene by seeking out the truths of the scriptures and in order to really be in tune with God , we should just get step aside and leave everything up to God.

I understand that for some people out there, an understanding of God's wants and needs from us seems a little to hard to comprehend. I also understand that if your mentality is one that allows you only to believe what someone else tells you or suggest to you then I can see why believing that the word of God is alive and always waiting to be rediscovered, would be obsurd. I cannot understand why a person would dismiss the idea of organized religion if they claim the title of Christian. The whole Christendom teachings are based upon order, God's house is a house of order. If there is no need for organized religion then God is a liar! Now I don't think that anyone claiming to be Christian would want to call God a liar.....would they? If there was no need for organized religion then why would Christ have come to establish His church among the Gentile and Jew alike? If it wasn't relevant to have organization then why the need for sacrificial ordinances set up since the days of Adam? If there was no need for organized religion then why does God talk of gathering the scattered tribes of Israel? I say to you there is a need for organization.

The church, as many of my faith know it, Has every aspect of the way Christ himself set up His church when He walked the earth. I know that there are many other churches that claim a title of a denomination and they are as organized as they can be, but most struggle with what and how to do things because they lack the capacity of an open mind. The Prophet Joseph Smith once said "order in Heaven , disorder on Earth, surely God cannot be responsible for Both", how true a statement is that!

There are many Gospel truths that, had man merely stepped aside or chose to deny the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we would have never been able to discover. The thought that someone can be content not aspiring to know more about God, or to be at least trying to have a better understanding of God just amazes me. I could not imagine a life where by, I sat by idle and let the teachings of the Master go by without trying to understand even a shred of what was going on. I know that for me I not only feast upon the words of Christ , but I dig and dig until I can't dig any more until my cup runneth over.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Wonderful words, Jason, they lifted my day. It is such a true point...why would Christ organize a church, only to not require organized religion later? It doesn't make any sense. I loved the last part about your "cup runneth over." So uplifting!

How is Hope? I hope so much that she is feeling better!!