Saturday, January 31, 2009

Great Leader

I was called out of my home this evening to attend to a water leak in the Lima ward building. Upon the call from my boss and the phone conversation with a member of the Bishopric I was in route to access and help the problem. I had called the member back and had asked him if he would please call some of the other brethren and have them come over to help with vacuuming the water from the carpet and moving furniture. I received a call when I was about ten minutes away, stating that they had things cleaned up and the water shut off and that they didn't need me anymore. Being that my boss had called me to go meant I had to anyways and with being so close I was definitely going to stop and check on everything. Much to my surprise upon arriving I found only 2 brethren there, one with his family the other had taken his family home earlier. The family that had remained there to make sure things were finished in the building was our beloved Stake President Dennis Smith and family. The other gentleman, a member of the Bishopric.

The joy I have in my heart towards these brethren is overwhelming! The call for service does not only pertain to those of us that are "only an Elder" but to all those who serve the Lord. I was impressed that our Stake president was there, it showed the true caliber of his magnificent love, not only for the Stake, but the building and the members.

I have always said that if a great leader wishes for his followers to do the things he asks, that the leader himself must be willing to do the very thing he would ask of another. We have been asked by our Priesthood leaders to serve as Christ himself served, with a willing heart and joy. Our stake president set that very example tonight along with his family and those other men that were there with him.

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