Friday, January 2, 2009

As we draw closer to Thee

As I stumbled through my last post, drifting through thoughts that are not pertinent to full filling any part of my calling as Elders Quorum President, I was reminded of something important,"of course by a dear friend", as we draw closer to our Savior , we become more at peace than we know. I was struggling with some things that always seem to be in the back of my thoughts and after allowing myself to be tempted , I was suddenly under the distinct impression that I was some where spiritually I was not supposed to be. After a review of my present situation, I was able to go to the one place where I can always find knee's. I felt of the love that my Father in heaven has for me and truly was able to be spiritually fed and reminded as to what my purpose was here. I was able to feel of the Spirit and to know that His mercy and grace is infinite! I am truly blessed to be able to have the Son pleading for my ever mistake.

I wrote a letter to the Elders Quorum tonight as to the upcoming month and that was the first thing I have addressed to them since Matt left, I think that maybe his leaving left a empty hole in me , now I know that might sound funny to some of you, but I can assure you all that there is nothing like the love that can be found in the camaraderie of your fellow man. His spirituality and motivation helped form a great presidency and I felt the wrath of being left without his guidance. Now if you will think about that for a couple of minutes, that kind of impact allowed me to slip a little from the place I am supposed to be, image when we grieve the Spirit and walk away from Christ. Just the slightest gap in our armor and the adversary steps in, a few sprinkles of doubt, perhaps a sin or two, next thing you know, you don't feel worthy of much, let alone forgiveness. I want to tell you that no matter what we always have the capacity to ask and be forgiven , no matter the offense. I can tell you that I know that we all are being plead for at each time that we go before God and cry out confessing our deepest secrets and sin. If we fail to see ourselves as worthy we are then again grieving the heart of God and thus making the Atonement a waist. "We all come short of the glory of God"

Some times the things we do may seem huge, sometimes tiny, either way all can be used for good if we so choose to look at things this way. I fell that as I struggle I am being made stronger for something else later. I have noticed that each time I fell that I am not in the correct frame of mind , God steps in and helps me to understand.

Personal revelation is for each to be shared as we see fit, to be written in a journal perhaps or never spoken , either way the receivers choice. This is my journal...... I laid a sleep in my bed this morning and as I felt like I was going to start to wake up a very distinct voice came to me and shared with me a few things that I had allowed myself to forget, I was reminded of my calling and to the present responsibility I hold. I expressed my gratitude and also my sorrow for not being the best I could be, and I was comforted and told that I was still a son of my Father in Heaven and that He loved me very much, I was reassured that I was forgiven for those things that I stood in need of forgiveness and then I was admonished not to sin again. I felt very comfortable and at peace as I arose from my sleep and I knew in my heart that my Savior is ever mindful of the things we all stand in need of. Praise be to God in the highest. As I draw closer to Thee oh Lord, I can feel thy comforting hand touch my heart and ease my troubled soul. I love you Father and My Savior Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there man, thanks for this post. I needed it as well. Truly our Father in Heaven is mindful of us, and always willing to receive, as long as we just turn to him.

I'm grateful that you and Ann journal like this. Of course, not everything should be put here, but many of the trials each one of us faces, can be shared in a way that strengthens our fellow men, and shares the Love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I miss you too.