Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mighty Change

Although we are in store for some big changes I feel inspired to say that I feel our new President Barack Obama will do a good job! I know that his views and the general Christian movement throughout the world do not agree on the same principles, but I still feel inspired that his being in office will bring about great change in this nation. One can only hope that as the time arises when our morals are under fire that those who will stand , do stand when they need to .

As we have been instructed and from the deepest parts of my soul, I know that it is very important to be praying for President Obama. Our Prophet Thomas S. Monson and those that have stood before him as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have always stated that we are to sustain our elected officials and pray that God will guide them in leading us. Never in history have we needed to be praying more than we are right now!

With the world in such religious and economic turmoil, we as Christians need to be at our best when it comes to praying. Oh I know that many do always pray and you may even say this doesn't apply to me, but I would like you to consider a few points of view that may not be your own. The fact that President Obama is an African American is huge, not only for the demolition of racism and segregation, but in the eyes of every person, nation, and country, will his entire family and himself be under a microscope. Ever step he takes, every decision, and word that is uttered from his lips will be under review, and persecution. This President will be watched and anything that he says will be used against him by those that only know hate and deceitfulness in there hearts. We as people today have an opportunity to put away hatred towards people of other nationalities forever and we as Christians have that solemn responsibility to not only do so but set an example to those around us.

We don't have to agree with all that the President stands for but we do need to stand behind him and do our parts to go to the one that can guide him ....God, through whom all things are made possible. If things go our way in the upcoming decisions made by those elected to office, understand that God allowed that to happen and thank Him, if things happen in the near future that we don't agree with by way of those elected to office, understand that God allowed that to happen and thank Him. We don't always have to understand why things happen the way they do, but as Christians we do have to understand that God is in charge and for His reasons things are as they are. If we choose to listen and do as we are instructed by our Father in Heaven and allow His will to be done, not ours, then we will be at peace no matter what may come.

May the Lord bless our new President and his family and may he be guided and directed by the Holy Ghost, that his decisions we be in conjunction with the Almighty. I can only pray.....with great faith.

1 comment:

Ann said...

So well put, Jason. :) I've had many of the same thoughts today. We truly do need to be praying sincerely for our leaders. Thanks for the reminder to put away other political views and have faith. :)