Friday, January 30, 2009

OUCH !!!!

Hope was involved in an accident , where, she trying to be a goodly Saint, had an unfortunate miss hap. While checking to see if a person stuck on side of the road in our snow covered roads, needed assistance, she was hit from behind by a young man unable to stop in the icy conditions. I will tell you she is quite sore today, but she's a trooper and will get by. I love my wife so much, she is so strong.

Earlier in the day , Hope and I had an argument that was due to bitter feelings about an argument we had had last week. With the bitterness of not saying sorry on either side there has been some tension over a few things. When we departed from one another yesterday there was no love expressed towards one another ( something I don't suggest ever doing ) and with the grumpiness of an over-due sympathetic apology not coming from my lips, I sternly walked out the door and didn't say much upon leaving at all.

At Priesthood last night several times the topic of being courteous to our spouses and showing love unfeigned was much talked about, I don't believe in chance so the messages must have been for me. Upon hearing the news, Hope was in an accident , my heart sunk.

I will tell you, never in my life have I been so sorry that I didn't say I love you to my eternal soul mate. Had the accident been worse, perhaps the unfortunate would have happened and it could have been decades before I was able to utter those three simple words again , which should have started with I am sorry.

We don't truly appreciate the things we have alot of times until they are threatened to be removed or removed from us. Like the scripture to not procrastinate the day of our repentance rings true with all things in our lives . Especially our spouses.


Ann said...


Thank you for the touching and gentle reminder of how we all should be treating our spouses. What a horrible thing to have happen...we are so grateful she is safe.

It's me, Jenny! said...

you made me think...when was the last time I said those words to Kim?...