Thursday, January 8, 2009


With the days filled with struggles more and more for everyone in the world, times really start to look dim. I have been thinking much lately about the concept of sharing the Gospel of Jesus the Christ with people and how the things we do and say impact those around us. It amazes me most when I think of how ridicules it is for all of us out there that claim the title of Christian but don't act like Christ. I feel that we as Christians should be more willing to support others in there attempts at being good Christian people instead of allowing doctrinal principles to get in our way. I am in no way saying that I would share the Gospel any different that I do now, as a stalwart Mormon , ordained to the office of Elder, I am saying that we should attempt to be more understanding of one another's religious beliefs. Those who know me, know that my parents and brother and I do not see eye to eye on religious belief very often, but I got to thinking about our differences and came to some conclusions. I realized that they do not have to believe the same way as I do to have a place in the eternities, I realize that our understanding of what the eternities are going to be like is very different, but we both believe that there is an eternity with Jesus to those that believe on His name. We all pray generally in the same fashion, with honest intent and a heart full of faith " hopefully" that the things we pray for will be heard. I know that we all, " those claiming to be Christian" believe that Jesus is the Christ and that His Atonement set us free from the bond of death , and that He is now with His Father in the eternities.

There are plenty of generalized similarities to our beliefs, it is our own attitudes towards one another that separates us as people. We are all children of our Heavenly Father, no matter where we choose to worship. I feel that we as Latter-Day Saints need to reach out more to our brethren of different faiths and let them know that we are here to testify of Christ and that we bring a similar message to all those willing to listen. The fact that we as Christian everywhere choose to slander one another for the religious beliefs is childish and not Christ-like at all, Satan plots us against one another by feeding on instigating thoughts and slanderous words. As we allow ourselves to get caught up in mocking people of other Christian Beliefs, or talking out against there doctrinal views then we are allowing Satan into the very core of Christ's central location, the temple that we call bodies. If we are the body of Christ then we had better be acting more like Christ! Christ would have never turned away from His fellow man merely because they thought differently than He did. He was the greatest teacher the world has ever known, and his basic message was how to return to our Father in Heaven.

The fact that we as Latter-Day Saints are fortunate to have the true Gospel, as Christ Himself had original set up on the Earth is magnificent! We are very fortunate to have the revealed words of The Book of Mormon, another witness of Jesus Christ and His teachings to another set of his Sheep which were not of His fold in Jerusalem, but upon the American continents. To be able read from the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price, scripture given through a modern day Prophet, is a wonderful gift to have. To be part of a His true Church reestablished, today , led by a Prophet, His councilors, and a Quorum of Twelve Apostles is beyond magnificent it is heavenly in all aspects of the word! We are fortunate, we are blessed and we are a gifted, chosen people of God. It is our duty to share the Gospel with those we come into contact with, however we need not take offense to those that choose not to believe, for some day they will come to know as we do, that the truth is revealed through the Prophet that stands at the head of this church and says " Thus saith the Lord" .

We still need to be ever mindful that God gave us all our own agency, and no matter how hard we try to explain the Gospel as we know it some will never come to believe for they are set in the beliefs that are comfortable to them, It is indeed challenging when faced with the opposition of one who not only chooses not to believe what we have to share, but then turns on us with slanderous and hurtful remarks. Remember brethren that they too are children of the same God and whether your Mormon, Methodist, Catholic, or even atheist, He still loves each of us the same. " God is no respecter of persons" He care's for the one and will seek him out just as the lost sheep of the 100, he will leave the 99 to save the one, so be it for us.

We need not be bitter towards others but exhort our attitudes as one of love towards all people everywhere. Share your testimony and share your love with those around you. Express the kind of understanding that Christ would have, and try to remember your purpose as a Christian, to share the good news.

We should be united as one form of Christian body in the fight against moral in-justice, to stand up together as men and woman of Christ and say that we will not bow to the horrible trash that is being presented as normal society. We should be representatives of one another as a believer in the Savior.

I would like to bear my testimony that I know that Jesus is the Christ, That He dwells with His Father, our Heavenly Father, that they as well as the Holy Spirit are in fact Three separate and distinct individuals. I bear my witness that Jesus Christ Did in fact take upon Himself , by the plan of His Father, the sins of the world, for those that had and have lived, were living at the time , and are living today. That He did suffer and die on the place of the skull known as Golgotha, and did in fact set us free from Satan's evil plan. I bear you my witness that I was baptized by immersion in water by one holding the Holy Priesthood of God and the authority to act in His name, and as I was then ordained a member of His Holy Church by one Holding the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, by which I was baptized with fire and received as my constant companion the Holy Ghost. I have been given the blessing of His holy Priesthood to act in the name of God and to administer blessings in and Through Him. I have stood in the Holy Temple of God and Have been able to receive of His rich Blessings, I have been part of a blessing that healed a woman instantly, I have felt the Spirit of the Lord so strong that it made the very core of my body shake with the understanding of what He had in store for me. There is not a shred of doubt that enters my being when asked Do I know Christ? I know Him and I love Him and I serve Him. In the name of Jesus Christ , Amen

1 comment:

Ann said...

so true...I truly believe that Christ loves and knows those honest in their hearts in their love and faith towards Him. He loves all of us and wants us to be understanding and kind.

You're such a great example of sharing the gospel. It inspires me to try to be better.