Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our Duty To God

I call upon each of you at this very moment as representative of the Lord Jesus Christ ,and your Your Heavenly Father calls upon you as the great Priesthood holders of this , the last dispensation, to go forth and proclaim the very Gospel in which we so fervently believe in. I was inspired to call upon you as the Home Teachers to go forth and teach, preach, expound, exhort, and baptize , Just as Doctrine and Covenants 20:50 directs as does 20:45-54 proclaims the very purpose of the Priesthood ,and the duty thereof.
I would exhort each of you to take this opportunity to look into your own heart as to that in which the Lord would have us do. We as Priesthood holders have a solemn duty to God , Our Families at home , And the Families in the Branch and Branch boundaries, to go forth and administer to the needs of all people through Home Teaching . It needs to be established that it is not about the number of families you manage to home teach in a month but how well you teach when you are with your families.Brethren, I know that it seems as though the only thing we seem to talk about is home teaching , I know that sometimes it gets repetitive , But we need not underestimate the importance of our responsibilities . We are not merely bodies that fill seats on Sundays but more so the pre-ordained Priesthood holders of a great majestic Power. And when wielded in righteousness we have been given the ability to move mountains , literally . Doctrine and Covenants section 121:34-37.Our Heavenly Father has extended a call to all men , We as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have accepted that call when we entered the waters of baptism,took upon the name of Jesus Christ , and vowed with the Oath and Covenant established in Doctrine and Covenants section 84 . This promise we made is not to be taken lightly , but literally. It has been proclaimed in the beginning description of section 84 that "Men gain eternal life through the oath and covenant of the priesthood" . I pondered personally for some time the importance of what section 84 stated in its fullness and before accepting the responsibility of the priesthood I was asked if I truly understood that responsibility. With the promise of my unfailing service to Our Heavenly Fathers work fresh on my lips and the agreement to go forth abiding by its precepts instilled in my mind, I humbly accepted a calling to be part of the greatest work to ever unfold in our time, in this dispensation.
Brothers I would ask that you would take the time to review the scriptures listed here today, I would ask you to review the oath and covenant section of the Doctrine and Covenants , and apply these principles in our daily lives. I need to remind myself and need to be reminded from time to time that this work is the work of the Lord and not my own , I speak as a representative as do you of He that Atoneth for all mans sin. It is my understanding that we are to do all we can to be like the Savior, To try and obtain the very attributes of Christ Jesus. I know that with every ounce of my being that we as priesthood holders need to do all that is asked of ourselves in order to glorify the Kingdom of God. Since the teachings of the Holy Bible, The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price , from the beloved Prophet Joseph Smith through the teachings of the inspirational Prophet Thomas S. Monson we have been taught to spread the Gospel to every nation, kindred, and, tongue. We are all missionaries in this great work.
Brethren I pray that you will look upon this ,that which has been laid before us this day and accept a call again in the name of Jesus Christ, to go forth and do the very best we can at magnifying our callings as Home Teachers and Priesthood holders. I can promise you without any doubt that if you will give your whole heart to the will of the Father and His work, You will be blessed beyond belief. It is my testimony to each of you that the Spirit of the Lord requests your attention in these the last days, and that you have been commissioned to fulfill an executive priesthood duty.
As your President of the Elders Quorum, I would like to extend my love to each one of you and to let you know that your Heavenly Father is mindful of us all , as I will also try to be . I ask that you would please accept my appreciation for all that you do , and for taking the time to magnify your callings. If there is anything I,or my counselors can do or anything you would like to see done, changes perhaps that you think need to take place, please let us know . I will be happy to speak with anyone, as will any member of this presidency.
I leave you with a word from the Doctrine and Covenants section 121:45 "Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven."
I say these things with love and with you in mind , and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

President Jason M. Calton
Elders Quorum

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13

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