Wednesday, September 24, 2008


You see all the time on TV these days and hear about it on the radio , these kids that make a stand for what they believe! Whether it is about tobacco use or drugs or alcohol these kids stand for what they believe in not doing , ( I think its fantastic that we have youth that strong in this day and age) . Today I heard on a local radio station I listen to called K-love ( Christian Rock ), there were these kids who were going to meet all over the world tomorrow to stand for what they believe in, Jesus ! They are going to meet at flag poles for prayer at 7:00am and show there faith by joining this cause.

When is the last time we stood for what we believe in . I bare the name Mormon proudly on the back of my truck with its .org behind it hoping that those behind me in traffic just might be brave enough to find out that the thing there so quick to persecute is the very thing they base there faith on ! Jesus the Christ! I have thought often on this subject sometimes even voiced my opinion a time or two, the thing is its kind of a touchy subject for people so I'll say it like I do most things ....the way they are.

Peter the first disciple of Christ and the leader and Prophet of Christ's true Church after the ascension to Heaven occurred for Christ, even faced this problem. When asked on 3 different account , He , Peter denied the Christ , he could not bare the thought of persecution at the hands of the Romans. Peter walked with The Son of God , he talked with Him, he ate with Him , slept next to Him and knew with his whole soul that Jesus was the Christ and still He denied Jesus! That is powerful to me , it shows the true strength that Satan has over us, that fear and doubt is not of God!

We as Mormons , Christians , Jews , Gentile, Muslim , Ect. why do we not stand for what we believe? Is it not our job to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Doesn't our Scriptures teach us that God is no respecter of person's and that we are all His children? Didn't we all choose to be here on this planet at this time ? We sided with Christ in the Grand Council before the World was, and we fought at that time for what we believed in ! That Jesus would be our Savior and that we would fight against Satan at all cost and would try our best to return home to our Father in Heaven that waits there for us . My point is if we cant stand now ....we wont stand later ! We must be diligent in our efforts to spread the Gospel , not for gain ( to those who pay there preachers) not for body's in the seats , but so that those that don't remember Christ may have a chance at redemption.

God loves us all! He wants each of us to Love one another, unconditionally. We don't have time to bicker about religious preferences , we are at the sifting of the wheat . Those who are strong in faith will be strong when they need to be , those who are luke warm or riding the fence .... you will fail!

I put the name Mormon on my truck because I hope it will help someone .......It has if nothing else helped me , when I am about to get angry with someone because the way they are driving and I go to pass , I think about that sticker and think to myself , That's not very Christ-like behavior, I probably should be a lot more reverent than this! If we all had a sticker on us what would yours say?


Ann said...

awesome :)

matt said...

fantastic post man! Makes me really think about how I should be going about spreading the 'Good News' of the Gospel!